The Journey (Ep4)

I wanted the experience…

I resigned and left my first medical company. I had no employment on hand and I only had 2 years of medical sales experience. I was still a newbie in the industry.

I spoke to a couple of my colleagues and got their advise and I still can’t decide anything. I was a little out but wasn’t feeling worries. I knew if I start searching, I could get a job somewhere.

After my resignation was announced, the division manager of a different team approached the general manager and I was called into her room. She told me that Mr K wanted me to join his sales team. I smiled gratefully, feeling honoured for the offer.

However, I rejected it.

I knew from the beginning that wasn’t the product I was interested in selling. It does not resonate with me at all.

Even though I had no idea what sort of product resonates with me…

NAhhh, just not that – sounds like I’m being picky eh?

Well, if I’d choose a career path, it has to be either a challenging product that catches my eye. Whether I fail or succeed, that’s another story all together.

From that moment on, I knew I was a risk taker.

After that day, one of Mr K’s sales manger called me personally on my mobile and said, he’s got a friend that’s looking for a sales representative and wondering if I’m interested to get an interview.

I asked one question. ” What product is his team selling?” He said, ” German make camera tower system and endoscopy instrumentation.

Hmmm, that sounded pretty challenging to me. So, I said yes and asked him to furnish me with his email address so I could send in my resume and also request for an interview.

So, we got on the phone and I had my interview in a cafe from one of the hospital. We spoke for a bit and before we ended our conversation. He said, come to the office in a month’s time – after you’re done with whatever that is you wanted to do and review your employment contract.

We smile at each other, shook hands and part ways.

I didn’t search for any other company after that.

The following week or so, I went for a month army reserve training which I signed up for. It was located in one of the training camp down south, Johor.

Now, you must be wondering why I did it?

Well, I just wanted the experience…

Not as tough as I thought it would be but I had fun staying in barracks.

Always lacking of sleep and stealing power naps whenever the opportunity presents. Day and night training – in the rain – under a hot blistering sun. Blisters on my feet from hard boots…

It’s a great experience and I will never forget it.

Me and two other friends registered for this training together with a bunch of university students. Apparently the batch we joined was a university student’s batch. Oh well….

Lucky or bad luck, I don’t know but most of the students were Chinese speaking and I can’t speak Chinese to save my life.

So, to make things easier, I told everyone that I can’t speak Chinese. (not entirely but it’s better that way)

Oh boy, there’s a lot of haters! I spent 30 days in the female barrack and it was 10-12 of us.

Lucky I was selected as the squad’s secretary, I didn’t have to listen to those bad mouth stories from the rest of the girls.

but… after dinner I had to be in the offie for secretarial work and only could head back to our barracks close to one in the morning.

And sadly, we have to be awake at four in the morning. Yes… FOUR AM.

I only had between three – four hours of sleep in that whole month. It was tough and I was constantly sleepy.

Lack of sleep but I didn’t care about it. I wanted the experience and I enjoyed my training days. Just once! Been there! Done that!.

I love the jungle training, that was my favourite of all. Hmmm, hate the mosquitoes but it was so much of fun.

The only source of knowledge is experience.

30 days done and it’s back to reality.

New Job! New Product! New Boss! New Colleagues!

… till the next episode of my story. 😊 Thanks for reading.

View life as a continuous LEARNING EXPERIENCE – Denis Waitley

Episode 5

3 thoughts on “The Journey (Ep4)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Pam. It’s the best way to experience the bad and good in life. What can’t kill me makes me stronger! I hope my journey inspires you and others.


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